Missionary Partnership Plan


Continuing Your Partnership

With just one gift you can continue your partnership with your designated Wycliffe missionaries, both now and after your lifetime.

Through a Missionary Partnership Plan (MPP) with the Wycliffe Foundation, you can set up an agreement that allows you to financially partner with missionaries. It is simple to do and only takes a single current gift of cash or other assets, and/or a bequest through your estate.
Cash or Other Asset
Wycliffe Foundation
Missionary Partnership Plan
Wycliffe Missionaries

How It Works

Through this irrevocable agreement, you can financially partner with your designated missionaries for an amount and frequency (usually monthly or quarterly) that you predetermine. Your contribution, which is eligible for a current-year tax deduction, goes into an interest-bearing account and your support continues as long as the missionary is in a financial relationship with Wycliffe, or until funds are exhausted.

You can set up an MPP to begin immediately, or, if funded through a bequest, to begin after your lifetime. If the missionary you choose to partner with leaves Wycliffe before funds are exhausted, the remainder will be used to help other Wycliffe missionaries in need.

If you'd like to learn more about advancing Bible translation through an MPP or another gift-planning option, please contact the Wycliffe Foundation.

A Plan for Partnership

Throughout his lifetime, Wycliffe Foundation donor Paul Gavitt has developed an unwavering devotion to God's Word. "The Bible has impacted my life moment by moment for many years," he shared. Paul has committed a number of Scriptures to memory and actively uses them, especially when faced with life's troubles.

Paul also attends church services regularly and has since his childhood. It was there that he discovered the work of Wycliffe through two missionaries who visited his home church.

"When I heard the missionaries' presentation, I knew that God wanted me to become involved with Wycliffe's work," he said. "I discerned that God wants me to help people around the world receive His Word in a language they clearly understand. If I didn't have access to God's Word, I'd want others to help me receive it."

Paul supports several missionaries and does so through a Missionary Partnership Plan (MPP) with Wycliffe Foundation. "The MPP makes missionary support simple," he said. "I send one check per year and designate the individuals and ministries that I want to support within Wycliffe."

Paul funds his MPP using his qualified retirement plan. "Because I give through my retirement account, the funds I give qualify toward the account's required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year," he explained. "And by gifting the funds directly to charity, the money isn't taxed and there's even more to give! The MPP is a wonderful giving tool with no drawbacks."  

Invest in Bible Translation

Millions around the world still need the Word of God in their own languages. You can change lives with your legacy!



We work strategically with several partners to bring God's Word to the world and your loved ones.