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Sharing God's Word With the World

Sharing God's Word With the World

Larry Hull was born on a small farm in Michigan. Growing up, he didn't attend church or have any interest in Christianity. But when he was a senior in high school, a classmate of his decided to follow Jesus. She shared her story with Larry on a Sunday night. In the week that followed, Larry said he had a "tremendous desire" to read the Bible every evening. For the first time, he opened a Gideons New Testament he had been given in fourth grade.

"When I started reading [Scripture] during that week, it just came alive to me. … I really believe the Holy Spirit speaks through his Word," Larry said. The next Saturday, he went to see a minister at a church and told him what he was experiencing. They knelt at the altar together and Larry prayed to receive Christ. "Something happened in my heart and life, and it changed my direction — it changed my whole life."

Larry grew in his faith and met his late wife, Muriel, while he was a student at Asbury College. Their desire to share God's love with others increased as they heard from the missionaries, including Wycliffe missionaries, who visited the school. Together Larry and Muriel served in The Salvation Army for their entire careers, including five years in Zambia, Africa.

"I know the Word is living," Larry said. He partners with Wycliffe because he wants to give people around the world the same opportunity he's had to know God through Scripture. "I don't know anything we can do better than translating the Word of God so that people hear it in their own language and understand it in their heart."

If you would like to learn more about advancing Bible translation through a Missionary Partnership Plan or another gift-planning option, please contact the Wycliffe Foundation at 877-493-3600 or email [email protected]

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Millions around the world still need the Word of God in their own languages. You can change lives with your legacy!



We work strategically with several partners to bring God's Word to the world and your loved ones.